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Independent Commission Supporters Testify-Tom Thompson and David Dardi

July 15, 2013

In the Patriot Ledger Jessica Trufant reported “Scituate residents testify on health effects of wind turbines”  (7/10/13) about Tom Thompson and others who were supporting H2048, sponsored by Sarah Peake, to create an independent commission charged with investigating adverse health impacts from wind turbines.

Residents were relishing what life was like before the  wind turbine went up in March 2012. The turbine was struck by lightening on June 24th and was out of commission until it restarted on July 12th.

“It has been absolutely delightful,” he said. “…People are sleeping, and kids that were experiencing health issues say their headaches have essentially disappeared. You hear it in people’s voices that they’re feeling better, but the fact that people are comfortable and their health is improving brings forward the importance of having the turbine permanently dismantled.”

Thompson’s observations about the hearing were also quoted:

“Folks who live near and have been negatively impacted by wind turbines in Falmouth, Kingston, Fairhaven and, of course, Scituate testified, and were very powerful,” Thompson said Wednesday. “By their questions, I could tell the committee was appreciative of the information, and some were shocked by what has transpired.”

Tom Thompson’s written testimony is available here. David Dardi also testified. Describing himself as a Justice of the Peace and a retired Civil Engineer, he said his home is located 3200 feet from the 1.5 MW turbine.

Because of the close proximity to the wind turbine I suffer from sleep deprivation, headaches and ringing of the ears. The noise of the wind turbine is so invasive that it even wakes me when the windows to my bedroom are closed. Many nights I have to take doctor prescribed sleeping pills, …to go to sleep or to return to sleep when I am awoken by the turbine. When the windows are closed and my head is against the bedpost I can feel a vibration, which is in rhythm to turning of the blades. Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh, all night long. The sleep deprivation from which I suffer affects my relationship with my fiancée and many other people around me. I find myself constantly apologizing for my shortness of temper and terrible disposition. Because I am handicapped, with a partial leg amputation, I find that the fatigue causes me to be accident prone; I am constantly tripping. At my last visit to my dentist I was told that I have begun to grind my teeth and tops of them have been damaged. My quality of life has gone downhill since the turbine went into operation a year and a half ago. I thought that retirement would be better than this. A few weeks ago the turbine was struck with lightning and has been inoperative. I remarked to my fiancée, as we sat on the back deck that I could actually hear all the birds chirping with a clarity that was not there when the turbine was turning. Other people in my neighborhood have sold their homes rather than staying and dealing with this problem.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. July 17, 2013 8:00 am

    Judging by how long it took to prove that smoking causes lung cancer, we are decades away from peer reviewed scientific proof that wind turbines are a health hazard.

    The testimony of thousands across the world should be enough for authorities to ban wind turbine siting closer than 1.25 miles from any residence.


  1. Bill Could Be First Step to Study Health Problems | Wind Wise ~ Massachusetts

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